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This is the audio gallery of the clarinetist Angelo Montanaro. 

Paquito d' Rivera - Vals Venezolano y Contradanza.
Piano: Irene Alfageme. Live Recording -
Pretoria, South Africa (February 2014)

Béla Kovács - Hommage à Strauss.
Clarinet solo. Live Recording -
Pretoria, South Africa (February 2014)

Allan Stephenson - Concertino Pastorale, 1st mov.
KwaZulu-Natal Philarmonic Orchestra.
Live Recording - Pretoria, South Africa
(February 2014)

Allan Stephenson - Concertino Pastorale, 3rd mov. 
KwaZulu-Natal Philarmonic Orchestra.
Live Recording - Pretoria, South Africa
(February 2014)

Leonard Bernstein - Sonate, 2nd mov.
Piano: Irene Alfageme. Live Recording -
Pretoria, South Africa (February 2014)

Claude Debussy - Première Rhapsodie.
Piano: Irene Alfageme. Live Recording -
Pretoria, South Africa (February 2014)

Allan Stephenson - Concertino Pastorale, 2nd mov. 
KwaZulu-Natal Philarmonic Orchestra.
Live Recording - Pretoria, South Africa
(February 2014)